The Oxford 5000 Kelime Listesi (İngilizce – Türkçe)

Oxford 5000 Kelime Listesi - Oxford 5000

Oxford 5000, ileri düzeyde İngilizce öğrenenler için genişletilmiş temel kelime listesidir. Oxford 3000 temel kelime listesinin devamı olması yanı sıra ek 2.000 kelime içerir. Oxford 5000 kelime listesi, B2-C1 ileri seviyedeki öğrencilere kelime dağarcıklarını genişletmeyi ve yeni kelimeler öğretmek için en kullanışlı üst seviye kelimeler konusunda rehberlik eder. 3000 kelime + bu 2000 kelimeyi iyi öğrenen kişiler internetteki içeriklerin %95’ini anlayacak seviyeye gelecektir.

Yukarıda dediğim gibi Oxford 3000 kelimenin devamı niteliğinde olduğu için 1-2-3-4-5 diye sıralama yapmayacağım. 3001. kelimeden itibaren başlıyorum. Listedeki kelimeler eksik değil. Oxford 3000 listesinde mesela OK kelimesini gereksiz bulup sildiğim için başlangıçtaki Oxford 5000 kelimesinin bir kısmı Oxford 3000 listesine kaymış olabilir. Çok değil en fazla 25 tane. Takılmayın diye baştan belirteyim.

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İlginizi Çekebilir: The Oxford 3000 Kelime Listesi (İngilizce – Türkçe) 

>> The Oxford 5000 <<

Kelimeler; Tureng, Google Translate ve Cambridge Dictionary veritabanından yararlanılarak en sık kullanılan haliyle Türkçeleştirilmiştir.

Aşağıdaki liste şahsım tarafımdan çalışıldıkça güncellenecektir. İlerleyen zamanlarda metin olarak kaldırıp sadece Türkçe – İngilizce kelimeler şeklinde resim galerisi yer alacaktır.

  1. accountant muhasebeci
  2. accumulate biriktirmek, artırmak, tasarruf etmek, yığmak
  3. accumulation birikim, birikinti
  4. accuracy kesinlik, doğruluk
  5. accurately doğru bir şekilde
  6. accusation suçlama, itham
  7. accused suçlanan, zanlı, sanık
  8. acid asit, asitli
  9. acquisition edinme-edinim, kazanç, kazanma
  10. acre hektar
  11. activate etkinleştirmek, etkin kılmak,
    faaliyete geçirmek, çalıştırmak
  12. activation aktivasyon, etkinleştirmek
  13. activist eylemci, aktivist
  14. acute akut, şiddetli, keskin, ani gelişen
  15. adaptation adaptasyon, uyarlama,uyum, intibak
  16. addiction bağımlılık, düşkünlük
  17. additionally ilaveten
  18. adequate yeterli, elverişli, kafi
  19. adequately yeterli şekilde
  20. adhere yapışmak
  21. adjacent yanyana, bitişik, komşu, ilişik
  22. adjust ayarlamak
  23. adjustment ayarlama, ayar
  24. administer idare etmek, düzenlemek,
    yönetmek, tatbik etmek, uygulamak
  25. administrative idari
  26. administrator idareci, yönetici
  27. admission giriş-ücreti, kabul-kayıt, itiraf-suçu kabul etme
  28. adolescent ergen
  29. adoption evlat edinme, benimseme
  30. adverse ters, aksi, olumsuz
    tehlike ve probleme neden olan olumsuz koşullar, etkiler
  31. advocate avukat
  32. aesthetic estetik
  33. affection sevgi, şefkât, düşkünlük, beğeni
  34. affordable alınabilir, kelepir, bütçeye uygun
  35. aftermath sonraki dönem, sonrası
  36. aggression saldırganlık
  37. agricultural tarım, ziraat, zirai, tarımsal
  38. agriculture ziraat, tarım
  39. aide özellikle devlette önemli birinin yardımcısı,
    yaver, yardımcı
  40. albeit .. e,a rağmen, olsa da, gerçi
  41. alert ikaz etmek, teyakkuz hali, uyanık olma hali, dikkatli
    birini muhtemel tehlikeye karşı uyarmak, tayakkuza sokmak
  42. alien acayip, alışık olunmayan, yaratık gibi, uzaylı
  43. align dizmek, sıralanmak
  44. alignment sıra, hiza
  45. alike benzer, tıpkısı, benzer şekilde, ve benzeri/benzerleri
  46. allegation iddia
  47. allege iddia etmek, ileri sürmek
  48. allegedly söylenene göre, iddiaya göre
  49. alliance ittifak, antlaşma
  50. allocate pay etmek, tahsis etmek, ayırmak-vermek
  51. allocation tahsis etme, ayırma
  52. allowance izin, müsaade, harçlık, ödenek, pay, hisse
  53. ally müttefik, destekleyen, arka çıkan, ortak
  54. alongside birşeyin veya birinin yanında, yanıbaşında, ile birlikte olarak
  55. altogether büsbütün, hep beraber, tamamen
  56. amateur amatör
  57. ambassador elçi, büyükelçi, diplomat
  58. amend hafif düzeltmek, değiştirmek
  59. amendment düzeltme, değiştirme, küçük değişikliklerle yeniden düzenleme
  60. amid ortasında, arasında, bir başka şey olurken, tam orta yerinde
  61. amusing eğlenceli, zevkli, keyif veren
  62. analogy iki şeyin birbirinden nasıl farklı
    olduğunu gösteren mukayese
  63. analyst analiz yapan, inceleyen, irdeleyen
  64. ancestor ata
  65. anchor çapa, çıpa, demir atmak, demirlemek (gemi) demir
  66. angel melek
  67. animation animasyon, canlandırma, ilgi ve heyecan, canlılık
  68. annually yıllık, yılda bir olan, yılda bir kez
  69. anonymous anonim, isimsiz
  70. anticipate ummak, beklemek
  71. anxiety B2
  72. apology B2
  73. apparatus C1
  74. appealing C1
  75. appetite C1
  76. applaud C1
  77. applicable C1
  78. applicant B2
  79. appoint C1
  80. appreciation C1
  81. appropriately B2
  82. arbitrary C1
  83. architectural C1
  84. archive C1
  85. arena C1
  86. arguably C1
  87. arm C1
  88. array C1
  89. arrow B2
  90. articulate C1
  91. artwork B2
  92. ash C1
  93. aside B2
  94. aspiration C1
  95. aspire C1
  96. assassination C1
  97. assault , v. C1
  98. assemble C1
  99. assembly C1
  100. assert C1
  101. assertion C1
  102. asset B2
  103. assign B2
  104. assistance B2
  105. assumption B2
  106. assurance C1
  107. assure B2
  108. astonishing B2
  109. asylum C1
  110. atrocity C1
  111. attachment B2
  112. attain C1
  113. attendance C1
  114. attorney C1
  115. attribute , n. C1
  116. auction B2
  117. audio B2
  118. audit C1
  119. authentic C1
  120. authorize C1
  121. auto C1
  122. automatic B2
  123. automatically B2
  124. autonomy C1
  125. availability C1
  126. await C1
  127. awareness B2
  128. awkward B2
  129. backdrop C1
  130. backing C1
  131. backup C1
  132. badge B2
  133. bail C1
  134. balanced B2
  135. ballet B2
  136. balloon B2
  137. ballot C1
  138. banner C1
  139. bare C1
  140. barely B2
  141. bargain B2
  142. barrel C1
  143. basement B2
  144. basket B2
  145. bass1 C1
  146. bat B2, v. C1
  147. battlefield C1
  148. bay C1
  149. beam C1
  150. beast C1
  151. behalf C1
  152. beloved C1
  153. bench C1
  154. benchmark C1
  155. beneath C1
  156. beneficial B2
  157. beneficiary C1
  158. beside B2
  159. besides , adv. B2
  160. betray C1
  161. bias B2
  162. bid , v. B2
  163. bind C1
  164. biography C1
  165. biological B2
  166. bishop C1
  167. bizarre C1
  168. blade C1
  169. blanket B2
  170. blast , v. C1
  171. bleed C1
  172. blend , n. C1
  173. bless C1
  174. blessing C1
  175. blow B2
  176. boast C1
  177. bold B2
  178. bombing B2
  179. bonus C1
  180. booking B2
  181. boom C1
  182. boost , n. B2
  183. bounce C1
  184. bound B2
  185. boundary C1
  186. bow1 , n. C1
  187. breach , v. C1
  188. breakdown C1
  189. breakthrough C1
  190. breed , n. C1
  191. brick B2
  192. briefly B2
  193. broadband C1
  194. broadcaster B2
  195. broadly B2
  196. browser C1
  197. brutal C1
  198. buck C1
  199. buddy C1
  200. buffer C1
  201. bug B2
  202. bulk C1
  203. burden C1
  204. bureaucracy C1
  205. burial C1
  206. burst C1
  207. cabin B2
  208. cabinet C1
  209. calculation C1
  210. canal B2
  211. candle B2
  212. canvas C1
  213. capability C1
  214. capitalism C1
  215. capitalist C1
  216. carbon B2
  217. cargo C1
  218. carriage C1
  219. carve C1
  220. casino C1
  221. casual B2
  222. casualty C1
  223. catalogue C1
  224. cater C1
  225. cattle C1
  226. caution C1
  227. cautious C1
  228. cave B2
  229. cease C1
  230. cemetery C1
  231. certainty B2
  232. certificate B2
  233. challenging B2
  234. chamber C1
  235. championship B2
  236. chaos C1
  237. characterize C1
  238. charm C1
  239. charming B2
  240. charter C1
  241. chase , n. B2
  242. cheek B2
  243. cheer , n. B2
  244. choir B2
  245. chop B2
  246. chronic C1
  247. chunk C1
  248. circuit B2
  249. circulate C1
  250. circulation C1
  251. citizenship C1
  252. civic C1
  253. civilian , adj. C1
  254. civilization B2
  255. clarify B2
  256. clarity C1
  257. clash C1
  258. classification C1
  259. classify B2
  260. clerk B2
  261. cliff B2
  262. cling C1
  263. clinic B2
  264. clinical C1
  265. clip B2
  266. closure C1
  267. cluster C1
  268. coalition C1
  269. coastal C1
  270. cocktail C1
  271. cognitive C1
  272. coincide C1
  273. coincidence B2
  274. collaborate C1
  275. collaboration C1
  276. collective C1
  277. collector B2
  278. collision C1
  279. colonial C1
  280. colony B2
  281. colourful B2
  282. columnist C1
  283. combat , v. C1
  284. comic , n. B2
  285. commander B2
  286. commence C1
  287. commentary C1
  288. commentator C1
  289. commerce C1
  290. commissioner C1
  291. commodity C1
  292. communist C1
  293. companion C1
  294. comparable C1
  295. comparative B2
  296. compassion C1
  297. compel C1
  298. compelling C1
  299. compensate C1
  300. compensation C1
  301. competence C1
  302. competent C1
  303. compile C1
  304. complement C1
  305. completion B2
  306. complexity C1
  307. compliance C1
  308. complication C1
  309. comply C1
  310. compose B2
  311. composer B2
  312. composition C1
  313. compound B2
  314. comprehensive B2
  315. comprise B2
  316. compromise , v. C1
  317. compulsory B2
  318. compute C1
  319. conceal C1
  320. concede C1
  321. conceive C1
  322. conception C1
  323. concession C1
  324. concrete , n. B2
  325. condemn C1
  326. confer C1
  327. confess B2
  328. confession C1
  329. configuration C1
  330. confine C1
  331. confirmation C1
  332. confront C1
  333. confrontation C1
  334. confusion B2
  335. congratulate C1
  336. congregation C1
  337. congressional C1
  338. conquer C1
  339. conscience C1
  340. consciousness C1
  341. consecutive C1
  342. consensus C1
  343. consent , v. C1
  344. consequently B2
  345. conservation B2
  346. conserve C1
  347. considerable B2
  348. considerably B2
  349. consistency C1
  350. consistently B2
  351. consolidate C1
  352. conspiracy B2
  353. constituency C1
  354. constitute C1
  355. constitution C1
  356. constitutional C1
  357. constraint C1
  358. consult B2
  359. consultant B2
  360. consultation C1
  361. consumption B2
  362. contemplate C1
  363. contempt C1
  364. contend C1
  365. contender C1
  366. content2 C1
  367. contention C1
  368. continually C1
  369. contractor C1
  370. contradiction C1
  371. contrary , n. C1
  372. contributor C1
  373. controversial B2
  374. controversy B2
  375. convenience B2
  376. convention B2
  377. conventional B2
  378. conversion C1
  379. convey B2
  380. convict C1
  381. conviction C1
  382. convincing B2
  383. cooperate C1
  384. cooperative C1
  385. coordinate C1
  386. coordination C1
  387. coordinator C1
  388. cop C1
  389. cope B2
  390. copper C1
  391. copyright C1
  392. corporation B2
  393. correction C1
  394. correlate C1
  395. correlation C1
  396. correspond C1
  397. correspondence C1
  398. correspondent C1
  399. corresponding C1
  400. corridor B2
  401. corrupt C1
  402. corruption C1
  403. costly C1
  404. councillor C1
  405. counselling C1
  406. counsellor C1
  407. counter (long flat surface) B2
  408. counter (argue against) C1
  409. counterpart C1
  410. countless C1
  411. coup C1
  412. courtesy C1
  413. coverage B2
  414. crack , n. B2
  415. craft B2, v. C1
  416. crawl C1
  417. creativity B2
  418. creator C1
  419. credibility C1
  420. credible C1
  421. creep C1
  422. critically B2
  423. critique C1
  424. crown C1
  425. crude C1
  426. cruise , v. B2
  427. crush C1
  428. crystal C1
  429. cue B2
  430. cult , adj. C1
  431. cultivate C1
  432. curiosity C1
  433. curious B2
  434. curriculum B2
  435. custody C1
  436. cute B2
  437. cutting C1
  438. cynical C1
  439. dairy , adj. B2
  440. dam C1
  441. damaging C1
  442. dare B2
  443. darkness B2
  444. database B2
  445. dawn C1
  446. deadline B2
  447. deadly B2
  448. dealer B2
  449. debris C1
  450. debut C1
  451. decision-making C1
  452. decisive C1
  453. deck B2
  454. declaration C1
  455. dedicated C1
  456. dedication C1
  457. deed C1
  458. deem C1
  459. default C1
  460. defect C1
  461. defender B2
  462. defensive C1
  463. deficiency C1
  464. deficit C1
  465. defy C1
  466. delegate C1
  467. delegation C1
  468. delete B2
  469. delicate C1
  470. democracy B2
  471. democratic B2
  472. demon C1
  473. demonstration B2
  474. denial C1
  475. denounce C1
  476. dense C1
  477. density C1
  478. depart B2
  479. dependence C1
  480. dependent B2
  481. depict C1
  482. deploy C1
  483. deployment C1
  484. deposit B2, v. C1
  485. depression B2
  486. deprive C1
  487. deputy C1
  488. derive B2
  489. descend C1
  490. descent C1
  491. designate C1
  492. desirable C1
  493. desktop C1
  494. desperately B2
  495. destruction B2
  496. destructive C1
  497. detain C1
  498. detection C1
  499. detention C1
  500. deteriorate C1
  501. determination B2
  502. devastate C1
  503. devil C1
  504. devise C1
  505. devote B2
  506. diagnose C1
  507. diagnosis C1
  508. dictate C1
  509. dictator C1
  510. differ B2
  511. differentiate C1
  512. dignity C1
  513. dilemma C1
  514. dimension C1
  515. diminish C1
  516. dip C1
  517. diplomat C1
  518. diplomatic C1
  519. directory C1
  520. disability B2
  521. disabled B2
  522. disagreement B2
  523. disappoint B2
  524. disappointment B2
  525. disastrous C1
  526. discard C1
  527. discharge C1
  528. disclose C1
  529. disclosure C1
  530. discourage B2
  531. discourse C1
  532. discretion C1
  533. discrimination C1
  534. dismissal C1
  535. disorder B2
  536. displace C1
  537. disposal C1
  538. dispose C1
  539. dispute , v. C1
  540. disrupt C1
  541. disruption C1
  542. dissolve C1
  543. distant B2
  544. distinct B2
  545. distinction C1
  546. distinctive C1
  547. distinguish B2
  548. distort C1
  549. distract B2
  550. distress , v. C1
  551. disturb B2
  552. disturbing C1
  553. dive , n. B2
  554. diverse B2
  555. diversity B2
  556. divert C1
  557. divine C1
  558. divorce , v. B2
  559. doctrine C1
  560. documentation C1
  561. domain C1
  562. dominance C1
  563. dominant B2
  564. donation B2
  565. donor C1
  566. dose C1
  567. dot B2
  568. downtown , adj., adv. B2
  569. drain C1
  570. dramatically B2
  571. drift C1
  572. driving C1
  573. drought B2
  574. drown C1
  575. dual C1
  576. dub C1
  577. dull B2
  578. dumb C1
  579. dump B2
  580. duo C1
  581. duration B2
  582. dynamic B2, n. C1
  583. eager C1
  584. earnings C1
  585. ease , v. C1
  586. echo , n. C1
  587. ecological C1
  588. economics B2
  589. economist B2
  590. editorial B2
  591. educator C1
  592. effectiveness C1
  593. efficiency C1
  594. efficiently B2
  595. ego C1
  596. elaborate C1
  597. elbow B2
  598. electoral C1
  599. electronics B2
  600. elegant B2
  601. elementary B2
  602. elevate C1
  603. eligible C1
  604. eliminate B2
  605. elite C1
  606. embark C1
  607. embarrassment C1
  608. embassy C1
  609. embed C1
  610. embody C1
  611. embrace B2
  612. emergence C1
  613. emission B2
  614. emotionally B2
  615. empire B2
  616. empirical C1
  617. empower C1
  618. enact C1
  619. encompass C1
  620. encouragement C1
  621. encouraging C1
  622. endeavour C1
  623. endless C1
  624. endorse C1
  625. endorsement C1
  626. endure C1
  627. enforce C1
  628. enforcement C1
  629. engagement C1
  630. engaging C1
  631. enjoyable B2
  632. enquire C1
  633. enrich C1
  634. enrol C1
  635. ensue C1
  636. enterprise C1
  637. entertaining B2
  638. enthusiast C1
  639. entitle C1
  640. entity C1
  641. entrepreneur B2
  642. envelope B2
  643. epidemic C1
  644. equality C1
  645. equation C1
  646. equip B2
  647. equivalent , adj. B2
  648. era B2
  649. erect C1
  650. erupt B2
  651. escalate C1
  652. essence C1
  653. essentially B2
  654. establishment C1
  655. eternal C1
  656. ethic B2
  657. ethnic B2
  658. evacuate C1
  659. evaluation B2
  660. evident B2
  661. evoke C1
  662. evolution B2
  663. evolutionary C1
  664. evolve B2
  665. exaggerate C1
  666. exceed B2
  667. excellence C1
  668. exception B2
  669. exceptional C1
  670. excess , adj. C1
  671. excessive B2
  672. exclude B2
  673. exclusion C1
  674. exclusive C1
  675. exclusively C1
  676. execute C1
  677. execution C1
  678. exert C1
  679. exhibit , n. B2
  680. exile C1
  681. exit B2, v. C1
  682. exotic B2
  683. expansion B2
  684. expenditure C1
  685. experimental C1
  686. expertise B2
  687. expire C1
  688. explicit C1
  689. explicitly C1
  690. exploit B2
  691. exploitation C1
  692. explosive , n. C1
  693. exposure B2
  694. extension B2
  695. extensive B2
  696. extensively B2
  697. extract B2, v. C1
  698. extremist C1
  699. fabric B2
  700. fabulous B2
  701. facilitate C1
  702. faction C1
  703. faculty C1
  704. fade C1
  705. failed B2
  706. fairness C1
  707. fake B2
  708. fame B2
  709. fantasy B2
  710. fare B2
  711. fatal C1
  712. fate C1
  713. favourable C1
  714. feat C1
  715. federal B2
  716. feminist , n. C1
  717. fever B2
  718. fibre C1
  719. fierce C1
  720. film-maker C1
  721. filter , v. C1
  722. fine , v. C1
  723. firearm C1
  724. firefighter B2
  725. firework B2
  726. firm B2
  727. firmly B2
  728. fit C1
  729. fixture C1
  730. flavour B2
  731. flaw C1
  732. flawed C1
  733. flee C1
  734. fleet C1
  735. flesh C1
  736. flexibility C1
  737. flourish C1
  738. fluid C1
  739. fond B2
  740. fool B2
  741. footage C1
  742. forbid B2
  743. forecast , v. B2
  744. foreigner C1
  745. forge C1
  746. format B2
  747. formation B2
  748. formerly B2
  749. formula C1
  750. formulate C1
  751. forth C1
  752. forthcoming C1
  753. fortunate B2
  754. forum B2
  755. fossil B2
  756. foster C1
  757. foundation B2
  758. founder B2
  759. fraction B2
  760. fragile C1
  761. fragment B2
  762. framework B2
  763. franchise C1
  764. frankly C1
  765. fraud B2
  766. freely B2
  767. frequent B2
  768. frustrated C1
  769. frustrating C1
  770. frustration C1
  771. fulfil B2
  772. full-time /adv. B2
  773. functional C1
  774. fundraising C1
  775. fundamentally B2
  776. funeral C1
  777. furious B2
  778. gallon C1
  779. gambling C1
  780. gaming B2
  781. gathering C1
  782. gay B2
  783. gaze , v. C1
  784. gear C1
  785. gender B2
  786. gene B2
  787. generic C1
  788. genetic B2
  789. genius B2
  790. genocide C1
  791. genuine B2
  792. genuinely B2
  793. gesture B2
  794. gig B2
  795. glance , v. C1
  796. glimpse C1
  797. globalization B2
  798. globe B2
  799. glorious C1
  800. glory C1
  801. golden B2
  802. goodness B2
  803. gorgeous B2
  804. governance C1
  805. governor B2
  806. grace C1
  807. graphic B2
  808. graphics B2
  809. grasp , n. C1
  810. grave (for dead person) C1
  811. grave (serious) C1
  812. gravity C1
  813. greatly B2
  814. greenhouse B2
  815. grid C1
  816. grief C1
  817. grin , n. C1
  818. grind C1
  819. grip , v. C1
  820. grocery B2
  821. gross C1
  822. guerrilla C1
  823. guidance C1
  824. guideline B2
  825. guilt C1
  826. gut C1
  827. habitat B2
  828. hail C1
  829. halfway C1
  830. halt , n. C1
  831. handful C1
  832. handling C1
  833. handy C1
  834. harassment C1
  835. harbour B2
  836. hardware C1
  837. harmony C1
  838. harsh C1
  839. harvest C1
  840. hatred C1
  841. haunt C1
  842. hazard C1
  843. headquarters B2
  844. heal B2
  845. healthcare B2
  846. heighten C1
  847. helmet B2
  848. hence B2
  849. herb B2
  850. heritage C1
  851. hidden B2
  852. hierarchy C1
  853. high-profile C1
  854. highway B2
  855. hilarious B2
  856. hint , v. C1
  857. hip B2
  858. historian B2
  859. homeland C1
  860. homeless B2
  861. honesty B2
  862. hook B2, n. C1
  863. hopeful C1
  864. hopefully B2
  865. horizon C1
  866. horn C1
  867. hostage C1
  868. hostile C1
  869. hostility C1
  870. humanitarian C1
  871. humanity C1
  872. humble C1
  873. hunger B2
  874. hydrogen C1
  875. hypothesis B2
  876. icon B2
  877. ID B2
  878. identical B2
  879. identification C1
  880. ideological C1
  881. ideology C1
  882. idiot C1
  883. ignorance C1
  884. illusion B2
  885. imagery C1
  886. immense C1
  887. immigration B2
  888. imminent C1
  889. immune B2
  890. implement B2
  891. implementation C1
  892. implication B2
  893. imprison C1
  894. imprisonment C1
  895. inability C1
  896. inadequate C1
  897. inappropriate C1
  898. incentive B2
  899. incidence C1
  900. inclined C1
  901. inclusion C1
  902. incorporate B2
  903. incorrect B2
  904. incur C1
  905. independence B2
  906. index B2
  907. indication B2
  908. indicator C1
  909. indictment C1
  910. indigenous C1
  911. induce C1
  912. indulge C1
  913. inequality C1
  914. inevitable B2
  915. inevitably B2
  916. infamous C1
  917. infant C1
  918. infect C1
  919. infer B2
  920. inflation B2
  921. inflict C1
  922. influential C1
  923. info B2
  924. infrastructure B2
  925. inhabitant B2
  926. inherent C1
  927. inherit B2
  928. inhibit C1
  929. initiate C1
  930. inject C1
  931. injection C1
  932. injustice C1
  933. ink B2
  934. inmate C1
  935. innovation B2
  936. innovative B2
  937. input B2
  938. insert B2
  939. insertion C1
  940. insider C1
  941. inspect C1
  942. inspection C1
  943. inspector B2
  944. inspiration C1
  945. installation B2
  946. instant B2
  947. instantly B2
  948. instinct C1
  949. institutional C1
  950. instruct C1
  951. instrumental C1
  952. insufficient C1
  953. insult , v. C1
  954. intact C1
  955. intake C1
  956. integral C1
  957. integrate B2
  958. integrated C1
  959. integration C1
  960. integrity C1
  961. intellectual B2, n. C1
  962. intensify C1
  963. intensity C1
  964. intensive C1
  965. intent C1
  966. interact B2
  967. interaction B2
  968. interactive C1
  969. interface C1
  970. interfere C1
  971. interference C1
  972. interim C1
  973. interior , n. C1
  974. intermediate C1
  975. interpretation B2
  976. interval B2
  977. intervene C1
  978. intervention C1
  979. intimate C1
  980. intriguing C1
  981. invade B2
  982. invasion B2
  983. investigator C1
  984. investor B2
  985. invisible C1
  986. invoke C1
  987. involvement C1
  988. ironic C1
  989. ironically C1
  990. irony C1
  991. irrelevant C1
  992. isolate B2
  993. isolated B2
  994. isolation C1
  995. jail , v. B2
  996. jet B2
  997. joint , n. B2
  998. journalism B2
  999. judicial C1
  1000. junction C1
  1001. jurisdiction C1
  1002. jury B2
  1003. just C1
  1004. justification C1
  1005. kidnap C1
  1006. kidney C1
  1007. kingdom C1
  1008. kit B2
  1009. lad C1
  1010. ladder B2
  1011. landing B2
  1012. landlord C1
  1013. landmark C1
  1014. lane B2
  1015. lap C1
  1016. large-scale C1
  1017. laser C1
  1018. lately B2
  1019. latter , n. C1
  1020. lawn C1
  1021. lawsuit C1
  1022. layout C1
  1023. leaflet B2
  1024. leak , n. C1
  1025. leap , n. C1
  1026. legacy C1
  1027. legend B2
  1028. legendary C1
  1029. legislation C1
  1030. legislative C1
  1031. legislature C1
  1032. legitimate C1
  1033. lengthy C1
  1034. lens B2
  1035. lesbian C1
  1036. lesser C1
  1037. lethal C1
  1038. liable C1
  1039. liberal , n. C1
  1040. liberation C1
  1041. liberty C1
  1042. license C1
  1043. lifelong C1
  1044. lifetime B2
  1045. lighting B2
  1046. likelihood C1
  1047. likewise B2
  1048. limb C1
  1049. limitation B2
  1050. linear C1
  1051. line-up C1
  1052. linger C1
  1053. listing C1
  1054. literacy C1
  1055. literally B2
  1056. literary B2
  1057. litre B2
  1058. litter B2
  1059. liver C1
  1060. lobby , v. C1
  1061. log , v. C1
  1062. logic C1
  1063. logo B2
  1064. long-standing C1
  1065. long-time C1
  1066. loom C1
  1067. loop C1
  1068. lottery B2
  1069. loyal B2
  1070. loyalty C1
  1071. lyric B2
  1072. machinery C1
  1073. magical C1
  1074. magistrate C1
  1075. magnetic C1
  1076. magnificent B2
  1077. magnitude C1
  1078. mainland C1
  1079. mainstream , adj. C1
  1080. maintenance C1
  1081. make-up B2
  1082. making B2
  1083. mandate C1
  1084. mandatory C1
  1085. manifest C1
  1086. manipulate C1
  1087. manipulation C1
  1088. manufacture B2
  1089. manufacturing B2
  1090. manuscript C1
  1091. marathon B2
  1092. march , v. C1
  1093. margin B2
  1094. marginal C1
  1095. marine C1
  1096. marker B2
  1097. marketplace C1
  1098. martial B2
  1099. mask C1
  1100. massacre C1
  1101. mate , v. B2
  1102. mathematical C1
  1103. mature , v. C1
  1104. maximize C1
  1105. mayor B2
  1106. meaningful C1
  1107. meantime C1
  1108. mechanic B2
  1109. mechanical B2
  1110. mechanism B2
  1111. medal B2
  1112. medication B2
  1113. medieval C1
  1114. meditation C1
  1115. melody C1
  1116. membership B2
  1117. memo C1
  1118. memoir C1
  1119. memorable B2
  1120. memorial C1
  1121. mentor C1
  1122. merchant C1
  1123. mercy C1
  1124. mere C1
  1125. merely C1
  1126. merge C1
  1127. merger C1
  1128. merit C1
  1129. metaphor B2
  1130. methodology C1
  1131. midst C1
  1132. migration C1
  1133. militant , adj. C1
  1134. militia C1
  1135. mill C1
  1136. miner B2
  1137. minimal C1
  1138. minimize C1
  1139. mining C1
  1140. ministry C1
  1141. minute2 C1
  1142. miracle C1
  1143. miserable B2
  1144. misery C1
  1145. misleading C1
  1146. missile C1
  1147. mob C1
  1148. mobility C1
  1149. mobilize C1
  1150. mode B2
  1151. moderate C1
  1152. modest B2
  1153. modification C1
  1154. momentum C1
  1155. monk C1
  1156. monopoly C1
  1157. monster B2
  1158. monthly B2
  1159. monument B2
  1160. morality C1
  1161. moreover B2
  1162. mortgage B2
  1163. mosque B2
  1164. motion B2
  1165. motivate B2
  1166. motivation B2
  1167. motive C1
  1168. motorist C1
  1169. moving B2
  1170. municipal C1
  1171. mutual C1
  1172. myth B2
  1173. naked B2
  1174. namely C1
  1175. nasty B2
  1176. nationwide C1
  1177. naval C1
  1178. navigation B2
  1179. nearby , adv. B2
  1180. necessity B2
  1181. neglect , n. C1
  1182. negotiate B2
  1183. negotiation B2
  1184. neighbouring C1
  1185. nest C1
  1186. net C1
  1187. neutral B2
  1188. newly B2
  1189. newsletter C1
  1190. niche C1
  1191. noble C1
  1192. nod C1
  1193. nominate C1
  1194. nomination C1
  1195. nominee C1
  1196. nonetheless C1
  1197. non-profit C1
  1198. nonsense C1
  1199. noon C1
  1200. norm B2
  1201. notable C1
  1202. notably C1
  1203. notebook B2
  1204. notify C1
  1205. notorious C1
  1206. novel C1
  1207. novelist B2
  1208. nowadays B2
  1209. nursery C1
  1210. nursing B2
  1211. nutrition B2
  1212. obesity B2
  1213. objection C1
  1214. oblige C1
  1215. observer B2
  1216. obsess C1
  1217. obsession C1
  1218. obstacle B2
  1219. occasional C1
  1220. occupation B2
  1221. occupy B2
  1222. occurrence C1
  1223. odds C1
  1224. offender B2
  1225. offering C1
  1226. offspring C1
  1227. ongoing B2
  1228. openly B2
  1229. opera B2
  1230. operational C1
  1231. operator B2
  1232. opt C1
  1233. optical C1
  1234. optimism C1
  1235. optimistic B2
  1236. oral C1
  1237. orchestra B2
  1238. organic B2
  1239. organizational C1
  1240. orientation C1
  1241. originate C1
  1242. outbreak C1
  1243. outfit B2
  1244. outing C1
  1245. outlet C1
  1246. outlook C1
  1247. output B2
  1248. outrage , v. C1
  1249. outsider C1
  1250. outstanding B2
  1251. overcome B2
  1252. overlook C1
  1253. overly C1
  1254. overnight B2
  1255. overseas , adj. B2
  1256. oversee C1
  1257. overturn C1
  1258. overwhelm C1
  1259. overwhelming C1
  1260. ownership B2
  1261. oxygen B2
  1262. packet B2
  1263. pad C1
  1264. palm B2
  1265. panic B2
  1266. parade B2
  1267. parallel , n. B2
  1268. parameter C1
  1269. parental C1
  1270. parish C1
  1271. parliamentary C1
  1272. partial C1
  1273. partially C1
  1274. participation B2
  1275. partnership B2
  1276. part-time /adv. B2
  1277. passing C1
  1278. passionate B2
  1279. passive C1
  1280. password B2
  1281. pastor C1
  1282. patch C1
  1283. patent C1
  1284. pathway C1
  1285. patience B2
  1286. patrol , v. C1
  1287. patron C1
  1288. pause , n. B2
  1289. peak C1
  1290. peasant C1
  1291. peculiar C1
  1292. peer B2
  1293. penalty B2
  1294. perceive B2
  1295. perception B2
  1296. permanently B2
  1297. persist C1
  1298. persistent C1
  1299. personnel C1
  1300. petition C1
  1301. philosopher C1
  1302. philosophical C1
  1303. physician C1
  1304. pill B2
  1305. pioneer , v. C1
  1306. pipeline C1
  1307. pirate C1
  1308. pit C1
  1309. pity B2
  1310. placement B2
  1311. plea C1
  1312. plead C1
  1313. pledge , n. C1
  1314. plug , n. C1
  1315. plunge C1
  1316. pole C1
  1317. poll C1
  1318. pond C1
  1319. pop C1
  1320. portfolio C1
  1321. portion B2
  1322. portray C1
  1323. postpone C1
  1324. post-war C1
  1325. potentially B2
  1326. practitioner C1
  1327. preach C1
  1328. precede B2
  1329. precedent C1
  1330. precious B2
  1331. precise B2
  1332. precisely B2
  1333. precision C1
  1334. predator C1
  1335. predecessor C1
  1336. predictable B2
  1337. predominantly C1
  1338. preference B2
  1339. pregnancy C1
  1340. prejudice C1
  1341. preliminary C1
  1342. premier C1
  1343. premise C1
  1344. premium C1
  1345. prescribe C1
  1346. prescription C1
  1347. presently C1
  1348. preservation C1
  1349. preside C1
  1350. presidency C1
  1351. presidential C1
  1352. prestigious C1
  1353. presumably C1
  1354. presume C1
  1355. prevail C1
  1356. prevalence C1
  1357. prevention C1
  1358. prey C1
  1359. pride B2
  1360. primarily B2
  1361. principal B2, n. C1
  1362. prior B2
  1363. privatization C1
  1364. privilege C1
  1365. probability B2
  1366. probable B2
  1367. probe , v. C1
  1368. problematic C1
  1369. proceed B2
  1370. proceedings C1
  1371. proceeds C1
  1372. processing C1
  1373. processor C1
  1374. proclaim C1
  1375. productive C1
  1376. productivity C1
  1377. profitable C1
  1378. profound C1
  1379. programming B2
  1380. progressive B2
  1381. prohibit B2
  1382. projection C1
  1383. prominent C1
  1384. promising B2
  1385. promotion B2
  1386. prompt B2
  1387. pronounced C1
  1388. propaganda C1
  1389. proportion B2
  1390. proposition C1
  1391. prosecute C1
  1392. prosecution C1
  1393. prosecutor C1
  1394. prospective C1
  1395. prosperity C1
  1396. protective C1
  1397. protein B2
  1398. protester B2
  1399. protocol C1
  1400. province C1
  1401. provincial C1
  1402. provision C1
  1403. provoke C1
  1404. psychiatric C1
  1405. psychological B2
  1406. publicity B2
  1407. publishing B2
  1408. pulse C1
  1409. pump , n. C1
  1410. punch , v. C1
  1411. punk B2
  1412. purely B2
  1413. pursuit B2
  1414. puzzle B2
  1415. query C1
  1416. quest C1
  1417. questionnaire B2
  1418. quota C1
  1419. racial B2
  1420. racism B2
  1421. racist , n. B2
  1422. radar C1
  1423. radiation B2
  1424. radical C1
  1425. rage C1
  1426. raid , v. C1
  1427. rail B2
  1428. rally , v. C1
  1429. random B2
  1430. ranking C1
  1431. rape , v. C1
  1432. rat B2
  1433. rating B2
  1434. ratio C1
  1435. rational C1
  1436. ray C1
  1437. readily C1
  1438. realization C1
  1439. realm C1
  1440. rear , n. C1
  1441. reassure C1
  1442. reasonably B2
  1443. reasoning C1
  1444. rebel C1
  1445. rebellion C1
  1446. rebuild B2
  1447. receiver B2
  1448. recession B2
  1449. recipient C1
  1450. reckon B2
  1451. recognition B2
  1452. reconstruction C1
  1453. recount1 C1
  1454. recovery B2
  1455. recruit , n. B2
  1456. recruitment B2
  1457. referee B2
  1458. referendum C1
  1459. reflection C1
  1460. reform , v. C1
  1461. refuge C1
  1462. refugee B2
  1463. refusal C1
  1464. regain C1
  1465. regardless C1
  1466. regime C1
  1467. registration B2
  1468. regulate B2
  1469. regulator C1
  1470. regulatory C1
  1471. rehabilitation C1
  1472. reign , v. C1
  1473. reinforce B2
  1474. rejection C1
  1475. relevance C1
  1476. reliability C1
  1477. relieve B2
  1478. relieved B2
  1479. reluctant C1
  1480. remainder C1
  1481. remains C1
  1482. remarkable B2
  1483. remarkably B2
  1484. remedy C1
  1485. reminder C1
  1486. removal C1
  1487. render C1
  1488. renew C1
  1489. renowned C1
  1490. rental C1
  1491. replacement C1
  1492. reportedly C1
  1493. reporting B2
  1494. representation C1
  1495. reproduce C1
  1496. reproduction C1
  1497. republic C1
  1498. resemble C1
  1499. reside C1
  1500. residence C1
  1501. residential C1
  1502. residue C1
  1503. resign B2
  1504. resignation C1
  1505. resistance C1
  1506. resolution B2
  1507. respective C1
  1508. respectively C1
  1509. restoration C1
  1510. restore B2
  1511. restraint C1
  1512. restrict B2
  1513. restriction B2
  1514. resume C1
  1515. retail B2
  1516. retirement B2
  1517. retreat , v. C1
  1518. retrieve C1
  1519. revelation C1
  1520. revenge C1
  1521. revenue B2
  1522. reverse , n., adj. C1
  1523. revision B2
  1524. revival C1
  1525. revive C1
  1526. revolutionary C1
  1527. rhetoric C1
  1528. ridiculous B2
  1529. rifle C1
  1530. riot C1
  1531. rip C1
  1532. risky B2
  1533. ritual C1
  1534. rival , adj. B2
  1535. rob B2
  1536. robbery B2
  1537. robust C1
  1538. rock C1
  1539. rocket B2
  1540. rod C1
  1541. romance B2
  1542. rose B2
  1543. rotate C1
  1544. rotation C1
  1545. roughly B2
  1546. ruin , n. B2
  1547. ruling C1
  1548. rumour C1
  1549. sack C1
  1550. sacred C1
  1551. sacrifice , v. C1
  1552. saint C1
  1553. sake C1
  1554. sanction C1
  1555. satisfaction B2
  1556. say C1
  1557. scandal B2
  1558. scare , n. B2
  1559. scattered C1
  1560. scenario B2
  1561. sceptical C1
  1562. scholar B2
  1563. scholarship B2
  1564. scope C1
  1565. scratch , n. B2
  1566. screening B2
  1567. screw , n. C1
  1568. scrutiny C1
  1569. seal , n. C1
  1570. secular C1
  1571. seeker B2
  1572. seemingly C1
  1573. segment C1
  1574. seize C1
  1575. seldom C1
  1576. selective C1
  1577. seminar B2
  1578. senator C1
  1579. sensation C1
  1580. sensitivity C1
  1581. sentiment C1
  1582. separation C1
  1583. serial C1
  1584. settlement C1
  1585. settler B2
  1586. set-up C1
  1587. severely B2
  1588. sexuality C1
  1589. sexy B2
  1590. shaped B2
  1591. shareholder C1
  1592. shatter C1
  1593. shed C1
  1594. sheer C1
  1595. shipping C1
  1596. shocking B2
  1597. shoot C1
  1598. shore B2
  1599. short-term B2
  1600. shortage B2
  1601. shortly B2
  1602. shrink C1
  1603. shrug C1
  1604. sibling B2
  1605. sigh , n. C1
  1606. signature B2
  1607. significance B2
  1608. simulate C1
  1609. simulation C1
  1610. simultaneously C1
  1611. sin C1
  1612. situated C1
  1613. sketch C1
  1614. skilled B2
  1615. skip C1
  1616. skull B2
  1617. slam C1
  1618. slap C1
  1619. slash C1
  1620. slavery C1
  1621. slogan B2
  1622. slot C1
  1623. smash C1
  1624. snap C1
  1625. so-called B2
  1626. soak C1
  1627. soar C1
  1628. socialist C1
  1629. sole C1
  1630. solely C1
  1631. solicitor C1
  1632. solidarity C1
  1633. solo , n. C1
  1634. somehow B2
  1635. sometime B2
  1636. sophisticated B2
  1637. sound C1
  1638. sovereignty C1
  1639. spam C1
  1640. span , n. C1
  1641. spare B2, v. C1
  1642. spark C1
  1643. specialize B1
  1644. specialized C1
  1645. specification C1
  1646. specify B2
  1647. specimen C1
  1648. spectacle C1
  1649. spectacular B2
  1650. spectator B2
  1651. spectrum C1
  1652. speculate B2
  1653. speculation B2
  1654. spell C1
  1655. sphere C1
  1656. spice B2
  1657. spill B2
  1658. spin , n. C1
  1659. spine C1
  1660. spite B2
  1661. spoil B2
  1662. spokesman B2
  1663. spokesperson B2
  1664. spokeswoman B2
  1665. sponsorship B2
  1666. sporting B2
  1667. spotlight C1
  1668. spouse C1
  1669. spy , v. C1
  1670. squad C1
  1671. squeeze C1
  1672. stab C1
  1673. stability C1
  1674. stabilize C1
  1675. stake C1
  1676. stall B2
  1677. stance B2
  1678. standing C1
  1679. stark C1
  1680. starve B2
  1681. statistical C1
  1682. steadily B2
  1683. steam B2
  1684. steer C1
  1685. stem , v. C1
  1686. stereotype C1
  1687. stimulate B2
  1688. stimulus C1
  1689. stir C1
  1690. storage C1
  1691. straightforward C1
  1692. strain C1
  1693. strand C1
  1694. strategic C1
  1695. strengthen B2
  1696. strictly B2
  1697. striking B2
  1698. strip (long narrow piece) C1
  1699. strip (remove clothes/a layer) C1
  1700. strive C1
  1701. stroke B2
  1702. structural C1
  1703. stumble C1
  1704. stun C1
  1705. stunning B2
  1706. submission C1
  1707. subscriber C1
  1708. subscription C1
  1709. subsequent B2
  1710. subsequently B2
  1711. subsidy C1
  1712. substantial C1
  1713. substantially C1
  1714. substitute , v. C1
  1715. substitution C1
  1716. subtle C1
  1717. suburb B2
  1718. suburban C1
  1719. succession C1
  1720. successive C1
  1721. successor C1
  1722. suck C1
  1723. sue C1
  1724. suffering B2
  1725. sufficient B2
  1726. sufficiently B2
  1727. suicide C1
  1728. suite C1
  1729. summit C1
  1730. super B2
  1731. superb C1
  1732. superior C1
  1733. supervise C1
  1734. supervision C1
  1735. supervisor C1
  1736. supplement , v. C1
  1737. supportive C1
  1738. supposedly C1
  1739. suppress C1
  1740. supreme C1
  1741. surge , v. C1
  1742. surgeon B2
  1743. surgical C1
  1744. surplus C1
  1745. surrender C1
  1746. surveillance C1
  1747. survival B2
  1748. survivor B2
  1749. suspend B2
  1750. suspension C1
  1751. suspicion C1
  1752. suspicious C1
  1753. sustain C1
  1754. sustainable B2
  1755. swallow B2
  1756. swing , n. C1
  1757. sword C1
  1758. symbolic C1
  1759. sympathetic B2
  1760. syndrome C1
  1761. synthesis C1
  1762. systematic C1
  1763. tackle B2, n. C1
  1764. tactic C1
  1765. tactical C1
  1766. tag , v. B2
  1767. tap , n. B2
  1768. taxpayer C1
  1769. technological B2
  1770. teens B2
  1771. temple B2
  1772. temporarily B2
  1773. tempt C1
  1774. tenant C1
  1775. tendency B2
  1776. tender C1
  1777. tension B2
  1778. tenure C1
  1779. terminal , adj. B2
  1780. terminate C1
  1781. terms B2
  1782. terrain C1
  1783. terribly B2
  1784. terrific C1
  1785. terrify B2
  1786. territory B2
  1787. terror B2
  1788. terrorism B2
  1789. terrorist B2
  1790. testify C1
  1791. testimony C1
  1792. testing B2
  1793. textbook B2
  1794. texture C1
  1795. thankfully C1
  1796. theatrical C1
  1797. theft B2
  1798. theology C1
  1799. theoretical C1
  1800. therapist B2
  1801. thereafter C1
  1802. thereby C1
  1803. thesis B2
  1804. thoughtful C1
  1805. thought-provoking C1
  1806. thorough B2
  1807. thoroughly B2
  1808. thread C1
  1809. threshold C1
  1810. thrilled C1
  1811. thrive C1
  1812. thumb B2
  1813. tide C1
  1814. tighten C1
  1815. timber C1
  1816. timely C1
  1817. timing B2
  1818. tissue B2
  1819. tobacco C1
  1820. tolerance C1
  1821. tolerate C1
  1822. toll C1
  1823. ton B2
  1824. tonne B2
  1825. top C1
  1826. torture , v. C1
  1827. toss C1
  1828. total C1
  1829. tournament B2
  1830. toxic C1
  1831. trace B2, n. C1
  1832. trademark C1
  1833. trading B2
  1834. tragedy B2
  1835. tragic , B2
  1836. trail , v. C1
  1837. trailer C1
  1838. trait B2
  1839. transaction C1
  1840. transcript C1
  1841. transformation C1
  1842. transit C1
  1843. transmission C1
  1844. transmit B2
  1845. transparency C1
  1846. transparent C1
  1847. transportation B2
  1848. trap , n. B2
  1849. trauma C1
  1850. treasure B2
  1851. treaty C1
  1852. tremendous C1
  1853. tribal C1
  1854. tribe B2
  1855. tribunal C1
  1856. tribute C1
  1857. trigger B2, n. C1
  1858. trillion number B2
  1859. trio C1
  1860. triumph C1
  1861. troop B2
  1862. trophy C1
  1863. troubled C1
  1864. trustee C1
  1865. tsunami B2
  1866. tuition C1
  1867. turnout C1
  1868. turnover C1
  1869. twist , n. C1
  1870. ultimate B2
  1871. unacceptable B2
  1872. uncertainty B2
  1873. undergo B2
  1874. undergraduate C1
  1875. underlying C1
  1876. undermine C1
  1877. undertake B2
  1878. undoubtedly C1
  1879. unfold B2
  1880. unfortunate B2
  1881. unify C1
  1882. unite B2
  1883. unity B2
  1884. universal B2
  1885. unprecedented C1
  1886. unveil C1
  1887. upcoming C1
  1888. upgrade , n. C1
  1889. uphold C1
  1890. urgent B2
  1891. usage B2
  1892. useless B2
  1893. utility C1
  1894. utilize C1
  1895. utterly C1
  1896. vacuum C1
  1897. vague C1
  1898. valid B2
  1899. validity C1
  1900. vanish C1
  1901. variable , adj. C1
  1902. variation B2
  1903. varied C1
  1904. vein C1
  1905. venture , v. C1
  1906. verbal C1
  1907. verdict C1
  1908. verify C1
  1909. verse C1
  1910. versus C1
  1911. vertical B2
  1912. vessel C1
  1913. veteran C1
  1914. viable , C1
  1915. vibrant C1
  1916. vice C1
  1917. vicious C1
  1918. viewpoint B2
  1919. villager C1
  1920. violate C1
  1921. violation C1
  1922. virtue C1
  1923. visa B2
  1924. visible B2
  1925. vocal C1
  1926. voluntary B2
  1927. voting B2
  1928. vow C1
  1929. vulnerability C1
  1930. vulnerable C1
  1931. wander B2
  1932. ward C1
  1933. warehouse C1
  1934. warfare C1
  1935. warming B2
  1936. warrant , v. C1
  1937. warrior C1
  1938. weaken C1
  1939. weave C1
  1940. weed C1
  1941. weekly B2
  1942. weird B2
  1943. welfare B2
  1944. well C1
  1945. well-being C1
  1946. whatsoever C1
  1947. wheat B2
  1948. whereby C1
  1949. whilst C1
  1950. whip C1
  1951. whoever B2
  1952. wholly C1
  1953. widen C1
  1954. widespread B2
  1955. widow C1
  1956. width C1
  1957. willingness C1
  1958. wipe C1
  1959. wisdom B2
  1960. wit C1
  1961. withdraw B2
  1962. withdrawal C1
  1963. workforce B2
  1964. workout C1
  1965. workplace B2
  1966. workshop B2
  1967. worm B2
  1968. worship , v. C1
  1969. worthwhile C1
  1970. worthy C1
  1971. wrist B2
  1972. yell C1
  1973. yield , v. C1
  1974. youngster C1


Mutlaka Okumalısın

İngilizce - English Tenses - İngilizcede kaç zaman vardır

İngilizcede Kaç Zaman Vardır?

Bazı dilbilgisi ders kitaplarında İngilizcenin 12 zaman formu olduğu belirtilirken diğer kitaplarda 16 tens listelendiğinden …

10 Yorum Var

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    çok teşekkürler gerçekten internetteki saçmalıklardan uzak sade bir paylaşım

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      İnternette İngilizce konusunda inanılmaz dağınık konular var. Kelime ayrı, video ayrı, gramer ayrı… Hepsini tek çatı altında toplamayı planlıyorum. Bakalım.

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        En kısa zamanda bilirseniz şu kelimeleri hocam. Kursa gitmeye maddi anlamda gücümüz de yok açıkçası.
        Evime3 öğrenmeye çalışıyorum. Bekliyorum konunun devamındaki kelimelerin anlamlarını.
        Teşekkür ederim.

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      Can bey tahmini tamamlayip anlamlarinida yazmaniz ne kadar zaman alir ?

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    Can bey merhaba öncelikle.3000 kelime içindeki b2 ile burdaki b2’nin farkı nedir?B2’ye geldim de ona göre çalışayım bari?İçerikleriniz için teşekkürler bu arada.

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    öncelikle calismaniz icin tesekkür ederim. B2 icin toplam 5000 kelimeyi e-postama gönderir misiniz?

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